I was very fortunate and blessed to marry the man of my dreams. I didn't know it at the time, but he has become the man of my dreams. Future me, the me that is now, has been very, very blessed far beyond anything I deserve!
These are the four pieces of advice I would offer future me:
Some marriages thrive while others fail. Occasionally, someone will ask what makes our marriage thrive? We've been blessed! But if I could go back and offer future me some helpful advice, these are the four pieces of advice I would give her:
Never think, "I'll change him." You probably won't! God might, but you never will, and if you try it can become a serious point of contention.
Your marriage MUST be God-centered to thrive. Make God the center of everything in your marriage. With that being said, not all relationships are created equal. Maybe you find yourself in an "unequally yoked" relationship and your spouse is not a Christian. Maybe you became a Christian after your marriage. That can be a difficult situation. Still, #1, #3 and #4, and keep God front and center in your own life! Continue to honor God in all of your actions and all of your words. If it's important to him, it's equally important to me. I didn't know what NASCAR was before I got married. Now I do. Enough said. Sometimes love is a feeling and other times it's a choice. Make the choice to love every time! You're not going to feel in love every day of your life for the rest of your life like you did on your wedding day. It's just not going to happen, trust me! Somedays love is simply a choice, a commitment, and that's fine. Make that choice, be committed, and remember your vows. Your vows were not just some fancy words you recited on your wedding day. Your vows were words you actually committed to, most likely in the presence of a lot of people, and most importantly in the presence of God. Great Resources to Help You Build a Strong Healthy Marriage
So, what one piece of advice, that has been a help to you in your marriage, would you have given to future you?
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February 2025