Stormy days are how I would describe many of the ones I have experienced.
The day starts off with calm waters and a still house and then I get out of bed!! Sometimes in minutes, I am met with a cranky six-year-old who doesn’t approve of his socks or a teen who believes that school is more like a prison sentence. The disciples felt much the same way as they set out to the other side. When they stepped in, all was well and the sun shone brightly. This calm was as brief as my morning coffee can be. Being experienced fishermen, they would have been familiar with storms, as I am now twenty-four years into parenting. However, this one was different, and so is each day in my mothering journey. Even if I have seen the sock storm before, it is brewing in a different child with a different temperament and reaction. How I navigated the impending hurricane of a morning with one child may just signal a shipwreck reminiscent of the Titanic in another. As the storm approaches, I can quickly find my heart in a panic. This is where the disciples and I are kindred spirits. They too fall prey to distress and fear, rushing to the back of the boat to wake a sleeping Jesus. I love how Scripture records Jesus’ response to being shaken awake by a bunch of overreacting disciples. The Bible simply says, “Jesus got up.” This truth is one of the things that gives the confidence to tackle my mom role. Jesus is never confused, threatened, or dismayed by any storm I am facing. When I call on Him, even from a frantic place, He is ready to listen and act on my behalf. He has weathered every storm I have ever faced, and I am assured that He will continually do so. Even when I feel that I am sinking under the waves of attitude and disobedience from all sides, Jesus will stand ready to still the sea of my own heart and mind. The words, “That is enough, be still,” are the same ones He whispers to me. Oh, how I need to hear this command!
Fear and turmoil do not a wise and loving mother make. To try and quiet the storm myself will always leave me near-drowning if not completely swallowed up. To run to Christ is both necessary and the only real option.
The last part of this account is a rebuke to this mother. After Jesus does what only He can do, He speaks the truth that calls out the disciples, and in doing so also reveals my own weakness. “How can you be so afraid after all you have seen, where is your faith?” Dagger to the heart right? Yes, I went to the right source. At least I recognize the source for peace and wisdom, Sadly, I often still react from a place of unbelief. Do I really trust that Christ in His omniscience was already there in the midst working for my good, my children’s good, and His glory? If I did, my calling out would liken more to a controlled conversation instead of an anxious shout.
I must confess that I am still so far from conquering this part of parenting. I still let fear get the best of me. I swiftly imagine the child with the sock dilemma on a path to being a reprobate. Being stilled by God’s character and presence remains a needed area of growth for this mother.
Now we end up where we began. How is it that the wind and waves obey Him? Jesus is the only answer! He is the only source of true peace and calm in the midst of the turbulent seas of child-rearing. The disciples got an up-close look at Who had been in the boat with them the whole time. I get that same opportunity when I run to Him, and thankfully He shows mercy to me even in the midst of my panicked cries. “Call out to Jesus and let Him calm your storm and trust Him to help you in whatever circumstance,” is really the only advice that holds any security or credibility. Being a mom of eleven means nothing unless Christ is my stay. If a storm is brewing mom, find your still waters in Him.
How do you need to call out to Jesus and let Him calm your storm today?
5/7/2021 05:19:45 pm
Thank you for this encouragement on Mother's Day weekend.
5/8/2021 07:37:48 am
Thank you for stopping by, Lauren, and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY weekend (because we all know one day is not enough LOL) to you as well! :)
5/11/2021 01:41:02 pm
Oh, how I need this reminder. It reminded me of a song that came out years ago with the chorus, "Sometimes He calms the storm. Other times He calms the child." I've seen it happen both ways in my mothering journey, but always my heart had to come to Jesus and see Him first.
5/12/2021 07:30:03 am
I LOVE THAT, Jeanne!!! —> "Sometimes He calms the storm. Other times He calms the child." Thanks for the invite! :) Will do!
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