From Ibuprofen to Zyrtec or bandaids to Icy Hot patches, they can all be purchased at the Dollar Tree. You'll also find things like cough drops, antacids, vitamins, and natural sleep aids. Epsom salts have become a regular item I purchase because teaching puts me on my feet most of the day. I also have found it to be a great place to purchase antibiotic creams and other items that I keep in our first aid kit. My son actually went and bought his own Ibuprofen from a national chain and said, “Mom, I should have gone to the Dollar Tree.” That made my heart smile.
My family can go through toothpaste like it's Chick-fil-A sauce! Thankfully, I can get a month's supply for cheap. Alos, many times the brands they carry will have extra ounces included. Shampoo and conditioner is another item that continually disappears in our home. Suave is carried weekly and suits even most of my older girls. We also use their bar soaps. Recently, Caress has been on the shelf, and it is my favorite. Toothbrushes from all the major brands are available. This is another way to save money, especially during flu season. It allows me to switch them monthly to keep us healthy.
Packing lunches makes for an expensive endeavor with 11 kids. The Dollar Tree will often carry name brand items like Betty Crocker fruit snacks and Goldfish brand crackers. Plastic sandwich bags are a good find too. They also stock items like prepackaged animal crackers, Cheez-Its, and pudding. There are items like juice boxes, individual servings of peanut butter for dipping, and even pickles, which my kiddos love. I recently found a box of pre-made lunch box notes that helped to brightened my kids school day.
Sponges, bleach sprays, dish soap, and fabric softener sheets are all good buys. There are some items that are not as economical or as effective in this section, so I don’t purchase things like laundry detergent or toilet paper. A new item I found was a sponge that doubles with a magic eraser side. It works amazingly well, and I use it on everything from walls to my kids shoes. I really love the Spic & Span products for my kitchen. They have a great scent but are mild enough for my children to use when cleaning up after dinner.
In my classroom, I run what I call the ‘Cougar Store.” Our school mascot is a cougar so I hand out Cougar Cash for things like good work, obedient behavior, and acts of kindness. I also make students pay for things like irresponsibility and class disruptions. The Dollar Tree has been an awesome place to keep the Cougar Store stocked. Ring pops, Pokemon cards, fun erasers, bath bombs, word search books, and countless other kid-friendly toys are cheap and help me run a classroom full of positive incentives. The Dollar Tree also carries a great supply of bulletin board decor and craft supplies for both my students and my own children. Poster board and markers are a great value. A new “find” that I am using frequently is a roll of mini-adhesive squares. They will hold even thicker items to walls and doors. I love them!!!
I also shop for all my gift wrapping, cards, party supplies, and paper plate products at the Dollar Tree. When my children receive an invitation to a birthday party, we go to the Dollar Tree and I give them a certain amount of money to fill a bag with items for the birthday girl or boy. Even my teens will find things for their friends there. The girls and I find name brand makeup like Elf there. Batteries for our WII controllers, cords for our Kindle tablets, and duct tape for repairing everything are great finds too. Little gifts of encouragement like candy bars, mini plaques, or even fall decorations are readily available and an inexpensive way to express love to friends and coworkers.
For many, the Dollar Tree may be a hidden treasure that has been overlooked. Through this store, my kids are learning that there is no need to pay more for something just to say you did. Making the most of all the resources God has supplied is a lesson I hope they learn from our home. Not everything is a great buy. Price checking and prayer are also needed in my weekly shopping trips. There is no replacement for being wise and cautious. However, God has supplied much of our daily needs through this place, and I am so thankful for the opportunities it brings to our family.
So, what's your best shopping hack?
9/11/2020 12:28:03 pm
Ok so I had to look up Dollar Tree :) but yes we have the equivalent stores 'Home Bargains' 'Pound Shop' and budget supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi - I always shop there first and then if there are things I haven't been able to get, I go to one of the 'other' supermarkets! It all helps to make the most of your budget...
9/11/2020 03:16:03 pm
Sharon, I love Lidl and Aldi!!! We just got a new Lidl not too far from us—like an Aldi on steroids! :) My favorite thing to buy at Aldi is their dark chocolate. LOL Seriously! Those are both great budget-friendly shopping options.
I always get my wrapping paper and gift bags from Dollar Tree. They have a great selection. Why pay more when you can get them for $1?
9/13/2020 05:20:46 pm
JoDitt, I've purchased wrapping paper and gift bags from the Dollar Tree too—GREAT value!
Great tips. I love a trip to the dollar store as well. Some of those items I hadn't thought of buying there. My favorite hack for home décor decorating items that I have a little bit of a passion for, is to swing past my favorite thrift store once a week. Better more interesting items than brand new. Linked up near you at Anita's Inspire Me Monday Link Up
2/3/2024 11:50:34 am
I'm glad you found the tips helpful, Tracey!! Thrift stores can indeed be treasure troves for unique and affordable home decor items. It's great that you have a passion for decorating and enjoy finding interesting pieces. Happy decorating, and thanks for stopping by!
2/3/2024 11:51:23 am
Absolutely, Priya!! Dollar stores, like Dollar Tree, can be fantastic places to find affordable items. It's wonderful that you enjoy thrifty shopping and finding bargains.
9/15/2020 11:55:56 am
Wow! I can't even imagine having to shop for so many! I've found that making menus helps me save money because then I don't impulse shop.
2/3/2024 11:52:17 am
That's a fantastic strategy, Anita!! Planning menus in advance can indeed be a great way to save money and avoid impulse shopping. It helps you stick to a list and only purchase what you need for the planned meals. Happy budgeting and planning your meals!
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