"On the way to Jerusalem He was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as He entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith made you well.” Luke 17:11-19
Today and going forward, let's be the one who turns back praising God with a loud voice!
Red Sea Rule 10: Don’t forget to praise Him.
In some ways it’s amazing that we should even need this rule. When you and I are in the middle of some crisis or trial, we imagine that when God gets us through it we will be so filled with thanksgiving that no one will be able to stop us from praising God! Yet the sad reality is that we do so often forget even to say thank you to God. That’s why we need this rule. Don’t forget to praise Him.
Think about that story of the ten lepers
On His way to Jerusalem, Jesus travels along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As He enters a village, ten men with leprosy meet Him there. They stand at a distance and call His name, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" When He sees them, He says, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they go, they are healed. One of them, when he sees that he is healed, turns around and comes back, praising God loudly. (Let's be like him!) He throws himself at Jesus' feet and thanks Him. Jesus asks him, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner" (Luke 17:11-18)?
Do you feel convicted when you read that story? I know I do. We need the reminder that we find in Red Sea Rule 10: Don’t forget to praise Him.
The song of Moses"Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the Lord, saying, “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father's God, and I will exalt Him" Exodus 15:1-2.
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That is exactly what we are going to do! As we are reading this post we have the opportunity to share with each other the ways that God has provided for us. Feel free to share in the comments section anything that you are thankful to God for.
“He lets out His mercies to us for the rent of our praise, and is content that we may have the benefit of them so He may have the glory.” — John Trapp
I'll start us off right here: I praise God for the way He guides and stretches us, while He encourages us to grow in faith!
I’ve finally completed writing a book entitled The Heart That Heals: Healing Our Brokenness Through the Promises of God. It took me 17 years to write this short, 150-page book. I was learning and growing every step of the way. How I treasure that time—seeing God’s faithfulness to me over and over again! If you have a desire to reach out to those who are hurting and broken, whether they know God or not, this book is an excellent resource. It's like a catalogue of God's promises. Plus, the plan of Salvation is clearly laid out in chapter 7. It will be available on Amazon September 1, 2019.
Maybe you have something you need to express thanks to God for. Or, maybe you would like to share with us how The Red Sea Rules have helped you. How has God provided for your spiritual growth through this Bible study and these biblical principles? Is there one of these rules that has helped change your outlook on some difficulty that you are facing? Would you be willing to share that with us today? That would be encouraging to the rest of us, and it would also be honoring to God. Let us join with you in praise! Comment below.
Let's revisit The Red Sea Rules
If God has helped you through those nine rules, then don’t overlook the tenth one. Don’t forget to praise Him!
“Commit whatever grieves thee into the gracious hands of Him who never leaves thee, Who heaven and earth commands; Who points the clouds their courses, Whom winds and waves obey. He will direct thy footsteps and find for thee a way.” —Paul Gerhardt, German hymns
I appreciate everyone of you who have followed along this summer and participated in the comments!
“Wash your face every morning in a bath of praise.” —Charles Spurgeon
Now is your time. Please tell us how God has been working in your life. Don’t forget to praise Him!
This week's discussion questions:
Can I challenge you to memorize Exodus 15:2 with me this week?
"The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father's God, and I will exalt Him." Exodus 15:2
portions of this post are quoted from www.efcbemidji.org
8/6/2019 09:27:26 am
So much wisdom here, because it takes a truly God-given perspective to view even the dark times as a gift from His hand.
8/6/2019 11:31:54 am
Yes is does Michele! And how can we even begin to have that kind of perspective if we are not women after God's own heart? There is the key to a right perspective.
8/6/2019 12:11:35 pm
Yes, absolutely! Let's be the one who praises and thanks Him! Thank you for this very much needed reminder, Patsy!
8/6/2019 02:06:53 pm
It's a reminder that I need daily! So often I find myself behaving just like the Israelites—one minute praising and worshiping the God of our salvation, the next building a golden calf. Such a sad reality for sure!
8/7/2019 03:09:59 pm
Not having much energy today, but it doesn't take much energy to praise him! I can praise him for showing up in ways that I can't. Thanks for this series. I've enjoyed it.
8/8/2019 07:17:27 am
Lisa, I hope you find your energy! You are so right though, praising God is something everyone can do—energy or no energy.
8/7/2019 04:56:34 pm
The story of the ten lepers always got to me, too. Only one out of ten gave praise! That's is a terrible percentage! I always want to be that one that remembers to praise.
8/8/2019 07:20:44 am
Jerralea, Let's DO be the one that turns back and praises God! And I agree, 10% is a terrible percentage!
Praise is an area I need to grow in. I have no problem praising God when I'm talking to others, because I love to declare His faithfulness. But it's in the quietness of my own home or when I'm alone that I neglect to praise Him. It's a practice I must fight to maintain, and one well worth fighting for!
8/8/2019 03:02:28 pm
I agree Jana, I struggle with "Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief." too. I get REAL concerned for my own comfort!
Kathleen Alvito
8/9/2019 09:59:53 am
Jana, I agree with you. It is so easy to praise God with others, but when I am home alone I also forget to thank God for the things he is continually doing for me. It is a struggle that I would like to win!!
8/9/2019 10:03:51 am
Well. . . Jana and Kathleen, I am home alone today. I've got the worship music going and I'm going to make a conscious effort to be praising Him all day. Thank you girls for this important reminder! 8/9/2019 08:20:23 am
This week’s study question 1: If you read carefully, you’ll discover the people in Exodus 15 praised God both for who He is and what He did. From the first several verses of the chapter, jot down some ways the worshippers described the person of God.
Kathleen Alvito
8/9/2019 10:00:54 am
This study has been such a blessing. I have grown and learned to wait on God, to remember that God is in all things, even the waiting. I have found such peace through this study.
8/12/2019 10:38:56 am
Thank you so much Kathleen! It's been good for me too. I love your statement about remembering that God is in all things, even the waiting. EVEN IN THE WAITING! <— That is SO TRUE, and a good thing to keep reminding ourselves of.
8/10/2019 07:53:21 am
Study question 2: What can you learn about praising the Lord by seeing how the Israelites praised Him?
8/11/2019 01:57:37 pm
Right now, pause and record one possible reason you should be praising God in the midst of your journey through the Red Sea.
8/12/2019 10:40:25 am
What steps in your daily routine will help you make praise an ongoing habit in your life?
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