How would you like to read through God's Love Letter—His Word, the Bible, with a group of like-minded, Christian girlfriends? We're doing that over in the private, Sweeter Than Honey, Facebook group. Did you know you don't have to start a Bible reading plan on January 1? You can begin today! This simple plan, and an accountability partner, will help you succeed. Who will be your accountability partner? Share this post with them and invite them to the private Facebook group.
Sweeter Than Honey is patterned after this Bible Reading Itinerary. On Tuesdays, here at the blog, I would love it if you and I could take a trip through God's Word and Sweeter Than Honey, together! I would also encourage you to Join us over in the private, Sweeter Than Honey, Facebook group, introduce yourself, meet new friends, and share your thoughts there as well. We're waiting for you!
Judges 10-12: Who do You Surround Yourself With?
In Judges 10, we find the people of Israel, once again, doing “what was evil in the sight of the Lord” (10:6).
“The people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth, the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines. And they forsook the Lord and did not serve Him. So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and He sold them into the hand of the Philistines and into the hand of the Ammonites, and they crushed and oppressed the people of Israel that year. For eighteen years they oppressed all the people of Israel who were beyond the Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead. And the Ammonites crossed the Jordan to fight also against Judah and against Benjamin and against the house of Ephraim, so that Israel was severely distressed.
Certainly, we can see how the Lord would be increasingly impatient with Israel. They continue to repeat this same pattern of serving other gods and then running to the one true God for deliverance from oppression over and over again. This time we see in Judges 11, God sends Jephthah, “a mighty warrior” (11:1), to lead them into battle and serve them as a judge for six years. When reading about Jephthah, this caught my attention: “…and worthless fellows collected around Jephthah and went out with him” (11:3). Who have you collected around you today? Who do you surround yourself with? Good counsel? Wise counsel? Women of the Word? Proverbs 31 women? Titus 2 women? Let’s be sure today that we are surrounding ourselves with women who are going to be able to mentor us to become more like Jesus Christ and less like our old sinful selves. Let’s pray that today!
“Heavenly Father, please help me as I strive to surround myself with wise, godly counsel. Bring into my life women who love Your Word—Proverbs 31 Women and Titus 2 Women. Give me friendships and mentors that will help me become more like You and less like me every day. In Your precious name —Amen”
How are you intentional about surrounding yourself with good and wise counsel, women of the Word, Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 women?
About Sweeter Than Honey
When I read God’s Word each morning, I find inspiration and insight that keeps my day on track. Join me on this journey. Let’s settle in with His Word—it’s His Love Letter to us. Did you know that? Let’s read it like a love letter, expecting to glean something for our walk with Him every day. Let’s look for peace in the chaos and strength for our weaknesses. Even on our busiest days we can carve out a few minutes to refocus on the important—the eternal. Can’t we? We may have to get up a little earlier, when the house is still and quiet, or stay up a few minutes after the others are all tucked in for the night, but we can do this! I know we can.
Let's be intentional about focusing on God’s Word and the truths found there. Let's let it inspire us to live out our faith each day in a way that causes those we come in contact with to want what we have found. God sees you. He knows you by name, He knows the number of hairs on your head, and He cares about every detail of your daily existence. He wrote you a Love Letter. Let’s dive in!
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3/22/2022 09:03:40 am
God's dealings with Canaan over the top to our 2022 sensibilities, and yet he was acting to protect his fragile and infinitely distractable people.
3/22/2022 09:16:15 am
It's almost unbelievable, Michele, how many times the people of Israel cycle through this pattern of:
3/22/2022 10:11:18 am
Absolutely, Donna!!
3/22/2022 10:14:36 am
We're so easily led---and so easily led the wrong way. We need to set our hearts on the Lord with other people who seek Him diligently as well.
3/22/2022 10:34:00 am
I have read "You are the average of the five people spend the most time with” and “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Both of these quotes are so very telling.
3/22/2022 10:20:05 am
It is so true that who we surround ourselves with can affect us, both for good or for bad. I've learned that being more around the poor and the sick and those in need has taught me great things the past decade that I hadn't learned from being around mainly my middle-class church friends. I need the influence of those who are in pain and suffering to teach me how to rely on Jesus in all times.
3/22/2022 10:36:17 am
Lisa, that is a great testimony!! And I love —> " I need the influence of those who are in pain and suffering to teach me how to rely on Jesus in all times."
3/22/2022 10:35:08 am
The company we keep makes a big difference in our lives. Love my Bible study gals!
3/22/2022 10:41:11 am
YES! Debbie! I am so very grateful for the amazing group of girls I have met online through InstaEncouragements, as well as my church girlfriends and Sunday school classmates—good and wise counsel, women of the Word, Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 women. 👱🏼♀️👩🏽🦱👩🏻🦰🧑🏻👩🏼
3/22/2022 11:03:01 am
Judges is so sad in many ways but so necessary because they are us and we are them. It's all too easy to surround ourselves with people who don't challenge us but rather make us feel comfortable, maybe even a little superior, about ourselves. But they will inevitably pull us down if we get comfortable there.
3/22/2022 11:44:22 am
I totally agree, Donna! —> "...they are us and we are them." I see myself quite often in the reflection of the Israelites wishy-washy decision making! And it's so sad! It pains my heart to read it, and it pains my soul to see it play out in my own life.
3/22/2022 04:03:04 pm
So thankful for the Godly women in my life. And as I've grown older I've realized how important it is to be careful of other things that influence me too. Movies, tv shows, podcasts and music.
3/22/2022 05:09:35 pm
I have as well, Lauren. Unfortunately, I don't know that we think about that too much when we're younger, but the older I get the more I realize how important it is to filter the things that enter the eye-gate and the ear-gate! Things that are seen and heard cannot be unseen or unheard. They make up who we are—whether for good or for bad.
3/23/2022 10:52:28 am
We certainly must practice discernment about who we surround ourselves with. Keeping our eyes and ears open and unclogged to seek him and make sound adjustments if we need to. Fantastic post patsy. Thank you for hosting. Blessings.
3/23/2022 01:38:42 pm
✔️ "practice discernment" <— I like that, Paula!
3/24/2022 09:52:35 am
I am super intentional about surrounding myself with good and wise counsel, women of the Word, yet it is the most impossible task because many of these women who happen to be a part of this blogging community are not the same in real life. The truth is, I have better luck forming authentic friendships with women who are not of the Word than women who say they are. We can all pretend to be one way online by writing blog posts filled with scripture and such but the rubber meets the road when we connect beyond the blogs. Sad! My quest to surround myself with women of the Word continues.
3/24/2022 10:01:40 am
Yvonne, I have not found that to be true with my online friends. I'm sorry you feel that way! So many of the godly women I've connected with in the blogging world have spurred me on to be more Christlike, and are great accountability partners as well. :)
3/24/2022 11:28:07 am
It is so important to surround yourself with godly influence. None of us are meant to be a lone ranger. We are to be kind and loving to everyone but when we do life together with others, we must be sure they are of the Light. Light and darkness have no true fellowship!
3/24/2022 11:34:02 am
I love that, Jerralea! —> "None of us are meant to be a lone ranger."
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