How would you like to read through God's Love Letter—His Word, the Bible, with a group of like-minded, Christian girlfriends? We're doing that over in the private, Sweeter Than Honey, Facebook group. Did you know you don't have to start a Bible reading plan on January 1? You can begin today! This simple plan, and an accountability partner, will help you succeed. Who will be your accountability partner? Share this post with them and invite them to the private Facebook group.
Sweeter Than Honey is patterned after this Bible Reading Itinerary. On Tuesdays, here at the blog, I would love it if you and I could take a trip through God's Word and Sweeter Than Honey, together! I would also encourage you to Join us over in the private, Sweeter Than Honey, Facebook group, introduce yourself, meet new friends, and share your thoughts there as well. We're waiting for you!
2 Kings 1-4: The Shunammite Woman
The story of the Shunammite woman, in chapter 4 of 2 Kings, is fascinating to me. She was a woman of wealth and apparently, a very good cook. “Elisha went on to Shunem, where a wealthy woman lived, who urged him to eat some food. So whenever he passed that way, he would turn in there to eat food” (2 Kings 4:8).
Not only was she well-off and an excellent cook, but she was also perceptive—she perceived that Elisha was a man of God. “And she said to her husband, ‘Behold now, I know that this is a holy man of God Who is continually passing our way. Let us make a small room on the roof with walls and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp so that whenever he comes to us, he can go in there.” (4:9-10). On top of all that, she was observant; she noticed that Elisha passed by often. And, she had the gift of hospitality. She sought to meet the needs of their frequent guest, Elisha, by building a room on top of their home and furnishing it with a bed, table, chair, and a lamp.
The next thing we learn about her is that she was childless. In verses 11-17, we see Elisha asking the Shunammite woman how he can repay her for all the kindness and hospitality. Her reply:
“she has no son, and her husband is old” (4:14).
Elisha promises her that within a year she shall hold a son in her arms.
“At this season, about this time next year, you shall embrace a son” (4:16).
The son is born, just as Elisha says, but that is not the end of the story. When the child is grown, enough to accompany his father into the field, he falls ill one day and he dies. The Shunammite woman takes her dead son, lays him on the bed of Elisha, then departs with a servant to find Elisha.
This is the part of the story I want us to grab hold of today—"And when she came to the mountain to the man of God, she caught hold of his feet” (4:27). The Shunammite woman took her greatest concerns and grabbed hold of the feet of the Prophet Elisha just as we are to take our greatest concerns to the feet of Jesus. Verse 22 tells us that she did this quickly. She did not delay. She did not try to fix the situation herself. She did not ask her friends how to fix the problem—she went quickly and straight to the one who she knew could help her.
That is exactly what God wants from us. He wants us to come quickly and boldly to Him, without question, and lay our problems at His feet. She said to her servant, “Urge the animal on; do not slacken the pace for me unless I tell you” (4:24). Let’s come to Jesus in prayer today with that same kind of urgency. Let’s grab hold of His feet in faith and believe as the Shunammite woman believed.
What do you need to come quickly and boldly to God's throne of grace about today?
About Sweeter Than Honey
When I read God’s Word each morning, I find inspiration and insight that keeps my day on track. Join me on this journey. Let’s settle in with His Word—it’s His Love Letter to us. Did you know that? Let’s read it like a love letter, expecting to glean something for our walk with Him every day. Let’s look for peace in the chaos and strength for our weaknesses. Even on our busiest days we can carve out a few minutes to refocus on the important—the eternal. Can’t we? We may have to get up a little earlier, when the house is still and quiet, or stay up a few minutes after the others are all tucked in for the night, but we can do this! I know we can.
Let's be intentional about focusing on God’s Word and the truths found there. Let's let it inspire us to live out our faith each day in a way that causes those we come in contact with to want what we have found. God sees you. He knows you by name, He knows the number of hairs on your head, and He cares about every detail of your daily existence. He wrote you a Love Letter. Let’s dive in!
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9/6/2022 09:19:59 am
I love the paragraph about how she went straight to the one who could help without trying to fix things herself or consult anyone else. I love that we can do the same.
9/6/2022 10:08:07 am
Come quickly.
9/6/2022 01:27:31 pm
Yes, yet sometimes we try to fix it ourselves first. Or at least I do.
9/6/2022 03:02:53 pm
Yes, Barbara! Straight to the feet of Jesus. Boldly to the throne of grace! :)
9/6/2022 12:29:39 pm
Patsy, I so appreciated this >> The Shunammite woman ... "She did not ask her friends how to fix the problem - she went quickly and straight to the one who she knew could help her." May He always be where I go, quickly and straight away!
9/6/2022 03:04:16 pm
I love that quote too, Joanne!! "She did not ask her friends how to fix the problem - she went quickly and straight to the one who she knew could help her." :)
9/7/2022 07:24:16 pm
I love the story of Shunammite woman! She travelled miles to the person she knew held the answer. How often do I fail to go directly to God when I know the same? Thank you for reminding me of the truth today. So powerful!
9/8/2022 04:04:32 am
I love, Tammy, that you brought out the fact that she traveled miles. That would have been difficult in her day. But her faith... Oh that I would have that kind of faith!! :)
9/9/2022 01:05:44 am
Wow! I so appreciated reading this today. Yes I've read this many times but you made this story pop for me. Blessings.
1/5/2024 05:15:11 pm
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January 2025