Individually, these things are all amazing, and I’ve cried many tears of joy this month. However, in the midst of all these wonderful things happening during the busyness of everyday life and baby planning, I found myself growing more and more tired instead of more and more thankful. It occurred to me that, instead of overflowing with praise to my Awesome God for His overabundant blessings, I was quick to complain about exhaustion and pregnancy woes.
How is it that when my cup runs over with trials, I never fail to notice and pray to God for relief, but when my cup runs over with blessings, I often lose sight of my good Father?
If I really stop to think about my life right now, I am thankful for:
However, despite the blessings, what comes out of my mouth is quite often a complaint about:
How can my foolish heart turn a month of blessings into a complaining spirit? The answer is quite simple. Dissatisfaction comes naturally. Gratitude is learned.
Scripture is filled with calls to praise God with a thankful heart, probably because God knows our propensity to selfishly cling to our complaints like they’re a good thing. We like to have a few good things to complain about. Our complaints evoke sympathy, camaraderie, and even respect from others while praising God for His blessings makes us and others focus on His goodness instead of our goodness. The next time I feel the urge to complain, I want that thought to instantly come to my mind. Do I want to draw attention to myself or to my God? We are called to be thankful and draw the attention of others to God by praising Him for the good things rather than complaining about the things we don’t like and cannot control.
Obviously, God wants us to focus on His goodness and not on the bad things in our world. There is always something to praise God for—a good side to every bad penny. We just have to consciously see it and thank God for it.
At the end of the day, instead of dwelling on the negative side of circumstances that can overwhelm me, I can begin counting all of the good things God is doing in my life—each and every one of my blessings. Just like the song says...
Count Your Blessings
What blessings are you counting today, friend?
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February 2025