As I prayed and thought of what I might share at this GriefShare meeting, and the points I wanted to get across, I thought of this simple, easy-to-remember acrostic— J-O-Y. You may have heard of it before (Jesus - Others - You), but for this group of hurting friends, I wanted to put just a little bit of a different spin on it. It's one we all can benefit from this Christmas.
Jesus has you right where He wants you and none of this catches Him by surprise.
There's not a day that goes by that I do not understand more clearly how God can use the difficulties, heartaches, and brokenness in our lives to bring about incredible beauty. The lives my family have been able to touch through the tragedy we experienced would not have happened in any other way. There are people that are going to be in heaven one day as a result of my sister's death, and you cannot put any type of price tag on that. 10 years ago, my mother had breast cancer. She's a survivor. If you were to talk to my mother today she would tell you that if she were given the opportunity to go back and have or not have cancer, she would choose to do it all over again, just as God planned. My mother, through the death of my sister, and her fight with cancer as well, has had the unique opportunity to reach so many people that she would not have reached otherwise. Jesus has you right where He wants you today for a unique purpose—for your good and for His glory. Know also that not only does Jesus have you right where He wants you, but none of this catches Him by surprise or off-guard like it does us. He knew the plan all along the way. He knew this would be a part of your story and my story. I remember the night so vividly that I got the call from my mom about my sister's death. My mom said only two words, "Ginger's dead." It was such a shock because I had just talked with Ginger on the phone. Honestly though, my very first thought was God never intended for Ginger to live past the age of 18. He had no plans for her life past that point. Her purpose on this earth was complete in those short, 18 years. We just didn't know it. Jesus has you right where He wants you and none of this catches Him by surprise. Others
Look around and focus your attention on others, this is just a chapter, not the whole book.
One of the things I did after my sister's death, and I talk about this in my book The Heart That Heals, is I wrote thank you notes to everyone I could think of that had invested in my life—especially, if that investment was of a spiritual nature. I found it difficult to be overcome with my own grief and be grateful at the same time. Grief and gratefulness have a hard time living in the same house. This helped me so much, and I believe it will help you as well. I didn't start from today and look backwards, I started back as far as I could remember—elementary school and even before—with my earliest childhood memories, and wrote letters to relatives, teachers, friends, mentors, etc., and I just kept writing until I couldn't think of anyone else to thank. Even at your lowest, you have a lot to be grateful for, friend. Let's not let the spirit of thanksgiving rest in November. Let's carry it on throughout the holiday season and into the new year as well. This season, look around, look back, and focus on others and all you have to be grateful for. This chapter of grief that you are in is just that, a chapter. It is not the whole book. It is not your whole story. I know you may feel stuck in this chapter today, but someday you will be writing a new chapter, a beautiful chapter in which God allows you to share your story and help others. Look around and focus your attention on others, this is just a chapter, not the whole book. You
Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and permission to feel joy and happiness again.
I sat on a bench outside a courtroom and the man who killed my sister sat on the other end of that same bench. I looked at him and I said, "I forgive you." I didn't say it aloud, but in my heart I said those words. I forgave him. I had to. I needed to. I thought to myself that day, I would rather my sister to have been the one that was killed rather than the one that killed, and that is still my thoughts today. This man has to live with the fact that he took the life of an innocent human being the rest of his life. I would not have wanted my sister to have to live with that on her conscious. I forgave my sister's killer that day, not because he asked to be forgiven, not because he deserved to be forgiven, but because I wanted to give myself the gift of forgiveness. It is a gift! I've had many more opportunities in my lifetime to forgive and can I just tell you, friend, that forgiveness is truly a gift you give yourself. When you forgive someone it doesn't mean that they asked for forgiveness or deserve it, but it means that you are setting yourself free from the bondage of bitterness, anger, and hatred, and you are choosing to forgive and love as Christ did. So, today, this holiday season, give yourself the gift of forgiveness. Not only do you need to give yourself the gift of forgiveness, but you also need to give yourself permission to feel joy and happiness again. You may feel a twinge of guilt for feeling joyful or happy or laughing at a joke. I remember the immense guilt I felt, early on after my sister's death, for smiling, laughing or just being joyful. This type of guilt serves no purpose and this is not what your loved one wants. This is not what God wants for you either, friend. No amount of sadness is going to bring your loved one back. They want you to go on with your life and smile at beautiful things, laugh at funny things and be joyful, especially during the holiday season. "As we journey with Jesus we are called upon to serve as a life-giving presence in places that suffer heartbreak and despair. Let's keep looking for opportunities to extend the joy, hope and love of Jesus." —Jason Daye
I am reminded of the death of King David's son in 2 Samuel 12. While the child was ill David fasted and prayed. He laid all night on the ground by the child. He did this for seven days the Bible says. Then, the child died and this is what God's Word records:
"Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. He then went to his own house. And when he asked, they set food before him, and he ate.
I love that the first thing David did after cleaning himself up is that he went into the house of the Lord and he worshiped. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness—permission to feel joy and happiness again.
I understand, friend, that this season may be especially difficult for you. I truly do understand. I've been there. But I promise you, it won't always be like this. This season will pass, and although you will still miss your loved one, it will get easier. I promise. You will remember the fond memories. You will smile again. You will laugh again, without guilt, and best of all, you will learn how to create JOY again.
Download the JOY Card
We think of Thanksgiving as the season of thankfulness and Christmas as the season of giving (or getting). But can't we continue to be thankful right on into the Christmas season, and beyond? This Christmas, consider using the JOY Card to continue the thankfulness you started in November and spread that thanks to those who have had a part in your life to get you to where you are today.
Join the movement, download and print the JOY Card and start sending out notes of thanks today. You can purchase a premium pack of 100 dark gray envelopes here and a set of silver and gold metallic markers here (or visit your local craft story) and be on your way to a thankful holiday season that focuses on Jesus and others. “At times, life’s path seems filled with things that make the going rough, and we wish there were a smoother road, for we feel we’ve had enough. But, if we pause a moment and remember Who’s in charge, the hills that loom ahead of us no longer seem so large, and every rock before us, when we know we’re not alone, becomes, not just a stumbling block, but one more steppingstone.” —Emily Matthews
I will tell you, friend, whatever you are going through today, take notes, because there are a lot of hurting people behind you and your story will be their roadmap. How have you created JOY in a season of grief?
12/3/2019 09:08:49 am
This simple statement: "Jesus has you right where He wants you and none of this catches Him by surprise." makes everything feel possible and filled with hope and joy!
12/3/2019 10:36:14 am
Thank you, Rebecca. Just reminding myself that He is in control, even on the worst of days, makes everything feel possible.
12/3/2019 09:32:16 am
This is such a poignant post. My mother, father, grandmother, our only family dog, and a college friend all passed away in December (though in different years). I can identify with much that you wrote. I love that Christmas is a season of hope--because Jesus came, we have the promise of redemption if we believe on Him, of heaven, of His coming again, of being reunited with our loved ones to an eternal home in heaven some day.
12/3/2019 10:41:29 am
Thank you, Barbara. December is a difficult month for the passing of a loved one. Reminding ourselves that it is also the season of HOPE, because of the birth of Jesus and all that we can have in Him through His gift of promised redemption, is certainly helpful.
12/3/2019 09:54:45 am
Thanks for this wonderful post, Patsy. My stepdad died 4 days before Christmas last year, my uncle shot himself on Thanksgiving (5 days ago), and I had breast cancer this year. From my experience, every word you wrote here is pure truth. I can tell you for sure that God is using all of these things to help me be closer to Him and to bring others closer to Him. He can use anything for good if you let Him. I put your book on my Christmas list and if I don't get it, I'll buy it myself! Either way, I can't wait to read it! :)
12/3/2019 10:49:29 am
Oh, Valerie, I just put you on my prayer list! Any one of these is an awful lot of grief and pain on your plate, but all three in one year. Wow! I love how you write, "God is using all of these things to help me be closer to Him and to bring others closer to Him." That's what it's all about, and He certainly can use these things for our good and His glory, if we will allow Him. I hope you enjoy the book! Thank you!
This was such a moving post, Patsy! I've always loved the acrostic for JOY, Jesus-Others-You, and you used it in such a beautiful way.
12/3/2019 10:12:48 am
Patsy, this has so many beautiful takeaways under each letter. Remembering that "Jesus has you right where He wants you today for a unique purpose—for your good and for His glory," is an anchor when life is confusing. Blessings to you.
12/3/2019 10:52:44 am
Thank you, Debbie. It's so encouraging to be able to bank on that truth!
12/3/2019 10:59:41 am
I so appreciate the ministry of GriefShare. How wonderful that you were able to bring this encouragement to their hearts.
12/3/2019 03:45:11 pm
Crying tears for how tragic that must have felt to lose your sister. :( I have two sisters and a brother and so far everyone is still doing well. I have lost other people I love though, including a baby, a month before Christmas. It took me a long time to recover but it helped having a community of other parents to grieve with, who understood my lost. Thanks for sharing, Patsy. You are a blessing.
12/4/2019 12:00:40 pm
Losing a loved one (like your baby) during the holidays is so very difficult. Community certainly helps! I spoke last night to a GriefShare group on how to survive the holidays. It was a beautiful group of hurting people looking for and finding hope in Jesus. So blessed to be able to speak to them!
12/4/2019 12:04:03 pm
It is, Susan!!! I was so blessed to have the opportunity to speak to a local group of them last night!
12/3/2019 05:15:59 pm
12/4/2019 11:28:56 am
Thank you so much for allowing God to use you through your grief to help others and bring Him glory at the same time.
12/4/2019 02:31:42 pm
Thank you so much, Karen. It has been a blessing to share!
12/4/2019 11:36:55 am
JESUS in the midst of our Grief is all we need .
12/4/2019 02:42:15 pm
Thank you so much, Diana! My mother is my hero!!! Just last night she asked to attend the GriefShare meeting I was speaking at, and so I took her with me. At the end of the meeting she picked out someone who really need to feel the love of Jesus and she went and had a heart to heart with this lady. It was just the most beautiful thing!!! It was far better than anything I could have said to this precious group of people.
12/4/2019 12:14:40 pm
Beautiful encouragement. God is using you mightily in this.
12/4/2019 01:13:18 pm
This is a post that needs to be shared globally. Lose can be debilitating. I catches us off guard and knocks off our feet. Yet, God knew and was there all the time. It's a part of the "all things" that he works together for good on our behalf. You put your finger on it when you shared both you and your mother have had opportunities to help people you would not have been able to bless otherwise. We can best relate to those in pain when we have felt it ourselves.
12/4/2019 02:45:27 pm
Heartache has no boundaries. Jesus is the answer. Pain and suffering give us opportunities we otherwise would not have had. God can use all of this for His glory if we allow Him to. Blessings to you!
12/4/2019 01:16:42 pm
Patsy, this was beautiful. After we lost my Nanny Christmas just was not the same. She was the spirit of the family. She planned everything out, the food, the gifts, the decorations. Our first Christmas without her was a mess. We just did not know how to fill her shoes. As time went on though, we learned how to step up and do things they way she would have wanted. I even have some of her decorations decorating my house. I love seeing them and just remembering all our great times together.
12/4/2019 02:48:54 pm
Thank you, Angela! I love that we can hang on to memories. I talked to my mom last night and she said that was one thing she was concerned about when we lost my sister—would the memories fade? Would she forget? They haven't faded. She hasn't forgotten. Memories are such a blessing!!!
12/4/2019 05:17:24 pm
This is definitely a hard time for many...I was sitting in my car the other day feeling overwhelmed with grief when God brought me encouragement through this verse "My soul melts from grief; strengthen me according to thy word" and then He gave me the idea to share scripture every day with everyone (and my siblings) up until Christmas. I guess without even knowing it, I am doing a little J.O.Y myself like you said!
12/4/2019 05:44:13 pm
That is a wonderful idea, Melissa! It is a difficult time of year. As the years go on it gets easier, but like you say, sometimes, out of nowhere, you can just be overwhelmed with grief. Do the J.O.Y.! :) Blessings to you and your family this holiday season!
12/4/2019 06:02:29 pm
Beautifully said. Experiencing grief helps us appreciate joy when we feel it. I'm glad to know about this link up also. Thanks.
I never knew all this. Thank you for your encouragement. My husband lost a brother a couple years ago to drowning. It was heartbreaking, but God was in it. I love how you said Jesus has you right where He wants you and none of this catches Him by surprise. He truly is the author and finisher of our faith. He knows our whole story.
12/6/2019 06:30:08 am
Thank you, Ellen. I didn't know about Mel's brother. I'm so sorry! Isn't it wonderful when you can look back and see God's hand in things. Even when we can't see, we can be assured that He is working—carefully orchestrating things behind the scenes, for our good and His glory!
1/20/2024 11:37:23 am
Thank you so much for your kind words, Maree!! I'm encouraged that you enjoyed the post. It means a lot to me that you've shared, and linking it to your book review sounds like a fantastic idea. I appreciate your support and hope it resonates with others as well.
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