How do you start new traditions when you've been married for 30+ years? My first, crazy thought was, "Let's plant a tree!" I Googled "trees you can plant in Georgia in the winter." Results: carrots, beets, parsnips, rutabaga, onions, cabbage, leaf lettuce, spinach. First, none of these are what I had in mind. Second, none of these are trees! Then my husband pointed out that we only have a couple acres at our forever home. Planting a tree every Christmas for the rest of our lives may not be practical. As usual, he's right. Planting a tree sounded like a good idea. However, in reality it isn't the time of year for that sort of thing and like my hubs said, it's really not practical. So, I surveyed some social media friends. I asked them to share the Christmas traditions that help them stay connected as a couple during this busy season.
"At Christmas, I am always struck by how the spirit of togetherness lies also at the heart of the Christmas story. A young mother and a dutiful father with their baby were joined by poor shepherds and visitors from afar. They came with their gifts to worship the Christ child." Queen Elizabeth II During the Busyness of the Christmas Season How Do We Stay Focused?
So, during the busyness of the Christmas season how do we stay focused on the important things as a couple? One way is by establishing a new tradition that not only celebrates the birth of our Savior, but also the strength of our love for each other. Christmas is about love, the love of God Who came to earth as a baby to live with His creation and provide a pathway to salvation. Christmas isn’t just for kids, it's for us too. Let’s talk today about starting that new Christmas tradition, just for the two of you.
If you're not sure what kind of tradition to start, check out this list. There's something special here for you whether you have been married for 35+ years or you're a newlywed couple looking to start a new tradition all your own. Or maybe you are looking for something fun to do once the kids are all tucked away in bed. We hope this list of 10 meaningful Christmas traditions for couples will give you a fresh perspective. These are just a few ideas to get you started and get the wheels of creativity turning. As you read them, we hope you'll find inspiration for your own journey as a couple! 10 Meaningful Christmas Traditions for Christian Couples
I am so in love with the idea of writing each other a love letter! The art of handwritten letters and notes is fading fast. I still have love letters my husband wrote me more than 35 years ago. These are precious to me! Imagine the delight of your children when they dig through your special keepsake drawer some day and find love letters. A father and mother that truly love each other as God loves us is one of the best gifts you can give your children.
Breakfast in bed is always a good idea, and there's so many wonderful Christmas movies out there. One of my personal favorites is It Happened on Fifth Avenue. I can see myself all snuggled up on Christmas morning with a good cup of coffee watching a Christmas movie with my husband. Giving each other a meaningful Christmas ornament that sums up the year is another great idea. I was recently in Hobby Lobby and noticed all the specialty ornaments. I even saw a broccoli ornament. Seriously, there's a broccoli ornament! If you can't find an ornament here to sum up your year I don't know where else you'd find it. A winter hike and Christmas Day photo sounds like a delightful idea, especially if you're the outdoor type. It may also help you get some exercise before you consume all those calories at Christmas dinner. A gift of service, an act of kindness as a couple is always a great idea, whether it's Christmas or not. Write a thank you note to someone who has influenced your relationship for good this year. Review the year in thankfulness for all that God has done for you as a couple. Both of these will open up a beautiful conversation about His goodness. Share a truth you have learned about God this year. Choose a new life verse for the upcoming year. Talk about what God is doing in your life and what you'd like to see Him do in the future. These are the traditions that tug at my heartstrings. That's actually three different traditions on the list, but I've combined them into one and this is what we will be doing on Christmas morning. Why Traditions Are Important Part of Your Relationship
Traditions are super important for families and for couples. They foster both unity and bonding and promote togetherness. Marriage isn’t always easy, we all get that. Taking the time to create traditions and memories, just the two of you will do wonders for your marriage. It will also give you lots of good memories to look back on, and when these traditions and memories are centered around God, that's even better!
I hope you'll use the ideas on this list as a springboard of inspiration and start your own new Christmas tradition this season. Traditions can be sweet, silly, romantic or all of these. They don’t last if they're forced, so find one that works for you and your spouse. It may take some trial and error. Some of the best traditions are unplanned and start naturally. Even if you have no plan, be sure to set aside some time to spend with your spouse this Christmas. If you are one of those couples who are unable to be together on Christmas day, make your own Christmas celebration on whatever day you can be together.
The most important thing about what we celebrate at Christmas was established over 2000 years ago when God came down to dwell with His creation! So, this Christmas, let's celebrate that unconditional love and let's also celebrate togetherness as a couple!
What traditions do you and your spouse share?
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